Streaky Brush is a simple but fun drawing programme.
q quit
c cyan
m magenta
y yellow
k black
r red
g green
b blue
p pink
o orange
n brown
w white
use uppercase letters for lighter colors (and darker black).
+ increase brush size
- decrease brush size
'space' mouse button lock
x,X,z,Z These keys alter the colors in strange and unusual ways, you'll have to experiment.
command-shift-3 Save the picture. Look for a file named 'Picture 1' on your hard drive. (This command actually does a screen grab and is built in to the Mac OS. It should work in any programme.)
The programme marked (PPC) is a special Power Macintosh version and will only run on Power Macintoshes.
These programmes are Shareware....Use at your own risk.
The price:
I have decied to leave the price up to you the user.
Send me what ever you think it is worth.
Send to:
George Pauly
P.O. Box 6431
Wellesley St
New Zealand
Remember the amount is up to you. It doesn't even have to be money! Very generous patrons shouldn't be surprised if they find a disk with my latest and greatest shareware in their mailbox!
These programmes may be put on Magazines and in Shareware Collections if they are clearly labled as Shareware on the package. Please send me a copy.
Please give these programmes to all your friends. Please keep them with the readme.
Have fun! I did!!
Streaky brush is part of the "Art Machine" collection.